Tasmanië - traduzione in Inglese
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Tasmanië - traduzione in Inglese

n. Tasmania, island south of Australia
Tasmanian devil         
  • Dentition, as illustrated in Knight's ''Sketches in Natural History''
  • alt=A black devil standing on a patch of cut grass in a paddock, next to a wire fence. It is biting into the torn carcass of an animal.
  • alt=A black and white drawing of a devil, which is in the upper half of the picture, facing right, and a thylacine in the lower half, facing left. Both are shown in profile and depicted on a matting of grass or other vegetation.
  • A jawbone found in the mainland [[Jenolan Caves]]
  • [[Karyotype]] of male Tasmanian devil.
  • alt=A devil with red ears and white patches under its neck, is standing on some bark chips, in front of some grass and behind a rock of the size of its body.
  • alt=A black devil with several pink-red coloured tumours growing on many parts of its body. The two largest are one covering where its right eye is, and another below the left eye. The right eye is no longer visible and both of these are around one-third the size of a normal devil face. It is lying on a green fabric.
  • alt=Two devils, sitting side by side, the one of left with a white stripe under its neck. They stand on a dirt patch. Stones can be seen in the background.
  • alt=A devil lying belly down on dry scrub grass and dead leaves. It has stretched its front legs out in front of its face.
  • alt=A square-shaped metal tilted at 45 degrees on a metal post. The sign is painted yellow with a picture of a black devil in profile. It is at the side of a straight road cutting through wooded forest and two vehicles can be seen.
  • alt=Three Tasmanian devils standing on bark chips huddled with their heads close together.
  • Tasmanian devil skeleton on display at the [[Museum of Osteology]], [[Oklahoma City, Oklahoma]]
  • alt=Black and white diagram indicating various points in a devil's development. Fur is absent until its development from days 50 to 85. The mouth begins round and the lips form from around days 20 to 25. The lips open from around days 80 to 85. They become unattached from their mother at around 100 to 105 days. The east are absent at birth and develop from around days 15 to 18. They are applied to the header until becoming erect from around 72 to 77 days. The eye slits develop around 20 days, and eyelashes between 50 and 55 days. The eyes open between 90 and 100 days.
  • alt=A black open-top sports car with lights on is being driven down an asphalt road. A large furry toy costume, slightly larger than a human is standing in the back seat. It has cream coloured mouth and chest, and dark brown arms and forehead, large whiskers, a grin, large white eyes and two canines. Behind him are some men walking in green costumes. On the left is a crowd watching the parade from the footpath, in front of tall buildings with stone arches.
  • alt=A view from directly above three devils lying with bodies almost touching, on dry leaves, dirt and rocks, under bright sunshine.
Tasmanian Devils; Sarcophilus harrisii; Tazmanian devil; Tas devil; Sarcophilus ursinus; Tasmania devil; Tasmania Devil; Tasmanian Devil (animal); Tassie devil; Tasmanian Devil; Tasmanian devils; Sexual behavior of Tasmanian devils
de duivel van Tasmanië (buidelzak roofdier)
n. Tasmanië (eiland ten zuiden v. Australië)


| regio = Azië en de Grote Oceaan
Esempi di pronuncia per Tasmanië
1. from all around Tasmania.
2. the coast of Tasmania.
3. An example is Tasmania.
4. I've been to Tasmania.
5. So, Adobe Lightroom Adventure in Tasmania.
Creating Photographic Opportunity _ Catherine Hall _ Talks at Google